
Key Figures

Revenues (in € million)

39,3 in 2023

Net income (in € million)

3,4 in 2023

Last Reports

The exhaustive set of documents is available in French language

Press Releases

  • 2024 first-half business

    • Half-year revenues up +13% to €13.7m • Order book at end-June 2024 up +18% to €36.0m Bezons, July 23, 2024 – 8:00am – RIBER, the global […]
  • Order for a Compact 21 research platform in France

    Bezons (France), June 27, 2024 – 8:00 am (CET) – RIBER, the global leader for Molecular Beam Epitaxy (MBE) equipment serving the semiconductor industry, is announcing the […]
  • New order for a MBE 49 GaN production machine in Asia

    Bezons (France), June 25, 2024 – 8:00am (CET) – RIBER, the global leader for Molecular Beam Epitaxy (MBE) equipment serving the semiconductor industry, is announcing the sale […]

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2024 half-year results

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