
HTI – High Temperature Injector


  • Molecular beam with stable and uniform intensity
  • Pneumatic run/vent valves – Easy mounting via VCR connections
  • Dedicated model for high temperatures – Hydrides, ammonia,,..
  • Field proven design
  • Rugged, reliable for long lifetime


Functions of gas injectors used in gas-source MBE and CBE systems are : (1) the introduction of a gas source into the epitaxy chamber, (2) the generation at the substrate of a molecular beam with stable and uniform intensity, (3) the pre-mixing of different gas sources of the same family within a single injector in order to achieve a high degree of material composition uniformity, and (4) the precracking of species, if required.

Depending on the nature of the precursor and its thermal stability relative to the growth temperature, the gas injector operates either at a low temperature (< 100°C, Riber’s LTI series) for preventing both condensation and dissociation of compounds before on-substrate cracking, or at a high temperature (> 600°C, Riber’s HTI series) to thermally decompose the molecular species before impinging on the substrate.

Riber gas injectors are fitted to the evaporation flange through a standard UHV flange, enabling installation on most gas-source MBE and CBE systems. Gas injectors feature independent 1/4 inch VCR® male gas inlets handling up to 2 distinct process gases, for LTI 163 series.

Gas injection lines are equipped with high temperature normally closed pneumatic actuators (200°C max.). Calibrated leak are installed at the run valve level in order to define the accessible flow range, fine adjustment is done via servo-valve, controlled via Baratron pressure transducer. The vent outlet is connected to a vent pump located in the CBr4 gas module (see dedicated page).

The source switching is based on a run/vent operation using a set of two-way valves for each gas line serving the injector. These valves are mounting via VCR connections at the back of the UHV flange. The “run” (to the substrate) and “vent” (to the vent pump) switching valves are located as close as possible to the epitaxy chamber to ensure rapid switching of sources with low transient times (< 1 sec) to produce abrupt layer interfaces.


Technical information

Characteristics HTI 163 HTI440 2V HTI440 4V
Pneumatic module External Injector body
Maximum gas inlet 1 2 4
Number of Run actuators 1 2 4
Number of Vent actuators 1 2 4
Gas inlet ¼ inch VCR®
Gas outlet KF 16
Typical operating temperature 950°C
Maximum operating temperature 1100°C
Heater Single tantalum filament
Thermocouple C type
Max Outgassing temperature 1250°C
Mounting flange CF63 / other with adapter flanges
Power supply One power supply
One temperature controller

Component interfacing

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